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Newsletter Sponsorships

The Spring issue of the German Cultural Society newsletter is right around the corner! It is also time to submit your advertisement for our newsletter. We hope you consider supporting our organization through advertising in our 2024 newsletters. We do ask our members to support our advertisers in every issue of our newsletter.


With our members and online presence to the public, we are the largest German-American society in the state of Missouri. Our newsletter is published three times a year to our members, to other people in the German-American community, and of course, to supporters like you who make our newsletter possible. Our newsletter is also published on our website and shared on our Facebook page.


The deadline for advertisements for the Spring issue is May 15, 2024.


Click below if you are interested in a seasonal plan (advertisements in 1 or 2 issues for 2024) or in a year plan (advertisements in all 3 issues for 2024).

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